2021:             Somerset House: Beano: the Art of Breaking the Rules
                       Swiss Cottage Gallery: I am Theatre
2018:             Attenborough Arts Centre, University of Leicester: In Out There
                      Maidstone Museum & Art Gallery: The Inking Woman: British Women Cartoon and Comic Artists
                      Harun Farocki Institute, Berlin: Public screening of 'Nightshift' (1981)
2017:              18 Malden Road, Kentish Town: SPIRIT HOUSE
                       Cartoon Museum, London: The Inking Woman: British Women Cartoon and Comic Artists
                       Mid Border Arts, The Assembly Rooms, Presteigne: In Conversation With the Past
                       The Ecology Pavilion, Mile End: Power: the Politics of Disability / Shape Open 2017
2016:              House of Illustration: COMIX CREATRIX
                       Leeds GATE Gypsy & Traveller Exchange: In Conversation With the Past 
2015:               Swiss Cottage Gallery: Cue, Play, Pause
                        Shrewsbury Museum & Gallery: In Conversation With the Past
                        South Bank: Adopting Britain / 70 years of Migration
2014:                Swiss Cottage Gallery: AT HOME: A Living Centenary 1914-2014
                         British Library: Comics Unmasked: Art and Anarchy in the UK
2013:                Kingsgate Gallery: Microtopia, PROPERTY PORN 
2012:                Kilburn Festival: Curating Artists Films @ Tin Tabernacle
2011:                Tricycle Cinema: Kilburn International Film Festival: Speaking from the Heart
2010:                Tricycle Cinema: Fiesta 2010 / Curating Artists Films @ Kilburn Festival: Beauty, Transience & Sensuality
2009:                RICH MIX Autumn Season: Migration & Identity/ SPLITSCREEN
2008:                Dimitria Festival, Thessalonica: CULTURE COUP
                          Royal Academy GSK Contemporary: 7 Reasons Why the Future Is Still Possible.
                          The Light House, Wolverhampton: SPLITSCREEN
2007:               National Gallery of Finland, Helsinki: SPLITSCREEN
                         The City Gallery, Leicester: SPLITSCREEN
                         Camden VISABILITY Festival: Hampstead Theatre: Give Me My Robe, Put On My Crown
                         Camden VISABILITY Festival: Tricycle Cinema Celebrating Disabled Performers: SPLITSCREEN.
2004:                Tricycle Cinema: Artists’ Films @ the Kilburn Festival: What is the Future if it is Not Ours to See?
2003:                Kilburn Festival: A Slice of Ireland
2002:                Kingsgate Gallery, London: A Slice of Ireland
                          Adorn,Equip National Touring Programme: Oriel Davis Gallery, Powys, Bradford Industrial Museum, 
                          Rugby Museum & Art Gallery, National Museum of  Scotland, The London Institute Gallery, Mayfair.
2001:                The City Gallery, Leicester: Adorn, Equip
                          Kingsgate Gallery, London: Monuments to Incompleteness
2000:                VITAL Festival, Nottingham: Monuments to Incompleteness
1996:                Imperial War Museum, London: Contemporary Art from the Museum’s Collection
2024:            Manchester University Medical Humanities Symposium: Art Making and History
2022:               London Metropolitan Archives Disability History Conference: Disability History: Knowledge, Practice and                                               Collaboration: 'Ghosts and Archives'.
2018:                Attenborough Arts Centre: Shape Arts’ Adam Reynolds Memorial Bursary tenth anniversary artist conversation &                                publication launch
2016:               House of Illustration: Limelight Night for Comix Creatrix on International Women's Day  
2015                 MAC Birmingham: Awkward Bastards Symposium 
2010-13:            Camden Arts Centre & Kingsgate Workshops: Testbed
2010:                 RICH MIX: ‘A Different Take’ with Dr Paul Darke
2009:                Tate Britain: The Great British Art Debate: The Art Salon            
                          James Taylor Gallery: Recessional Aesthetics   
2021:               Somerset House Trust & the Adonyeva Foundation for 'Beano: the Art of Breaking the Rules'.
2018:               Shape Arts ARMB commission for In Out There / Attenborough Arts Centre
2014:               Camden Arts & Tourism: AT HOME / Swiss Cottage Gallery
2014:                Shrewsbury Museum & Disability Arts in Shropshire: IN commission
2009:                Clean Break: Speaking From The Heart.
2008:                City of Thessalonica, Greece: CULTURE COUP
2006:                Clean Break:  Give Me My Robe, Put On My Crown
2001:                The City Gallery, Leicester: Adorn,Equip.
2000:                Nottingham Castle Museum: (with Chris Bramble) Monuments to Incompleteness
2024:               ASC and Camden Bedford Row studio residency
2008:                Kingsgate Workshops Trust, Hampstead School, Kingsgate Primary School: (Putting Down Routes)
2003/4:             Charlton Special School, Greenwich (What is the Future if it is Not Ours to See?)
                          PM Gallery with Elthorne Park Comprehensive (SOLID)  
2002/3:             Kilburn Irish Pensioners Group (Slice of Ireland)
2001:                The City Gallery, Leicester, Leicester Limb Fitting Centre (Adorn,Equip)
2023/25:           Wellcome Trust collaboration with Dr Neil Pemberton, Manchester University Medical Humanities Dept.
2020:                 Culture Recovery Fund: Searching for the Grey Lady: A Ghost From WW1 at the RNOH​​​​​​​
2019:                  National Heritage Lottery Fund: Searching for the Grey Lady: A Ghost From WW1 at the RNOH​​​​​​
2020- :               Culture Recovery Fund for Searching for the Grey Lady: A Ghost From WW1 at the RNOH​​​​​​​
2019:                  National Heritage Lottery Fund (First World War Then and Now)
2014:                  Arts Council England Awards to Individual Artists
                           Camden Arts & Tourism
                           Leibricht Foundation & Douglas Bader Foundation
2012:                Big Lottery Fund
2009:               Transformation Fund (UK Dept of Business Innovation & Skills)  
2007:                Paul Hamlyn Foundation, Camden Arts & Tourism                                 
2005:                Arts Council England Awards to Individual Artists
2002:               London Arts Board Visual Arts Grant
2000:               Year of the Artist (East Midlands Arts)
1999:                Douglas Bader Foundation
2019                 The People's History Museum Permanent Collection, Manchester.
2014:                ‘Unfinished Histories’ archive of Alternative Theatre, Holborn Library
2013:                Tenby Museum & Gallery
2005:                Archive of the Irish in London, Irish Studies Centre, London Metropolitan University: A Slice of Ireland.
1992                 Imperial War Museum Collection of Contemporary Art
2018:                The Inking Woman: British Women Cartoon and Comic Artists by Nicola Streeten & Cath Tate, Myriad Editions.
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