SPIRIT HOUSE poster / Nicola Lane 2017

Preparing the SPIRIT HOUSE space. The bus stop outside the shop provided a constant audience.

installing the SPIRIT HOUSE shrine: the dolls house as shelter for our dreams of an ideal home.

The opening party. Photograph by Cornelia Marland / 2017
Geddes Gallery initiates mapping the area around Malden Road. Photograph by Cornelia Marland / 2017

The estate agent display system is installed, with photographs of Malden Road in 1973, 1900 and 1968 from Holborn Library Archives.

Memories triggered by photographs in the window display are added to the wall map. Vanished streets, squatters, Ed Berman's InterAction, WAC Arts, the London Film Co-op, the City Farm - the rich cultural legacy of 1970s Kentish Town.

"There used to be the Rowney Art Materials factory -after it was demolished, we found thousands of pencils in the rubble."

"Is that me in the photo? It could be me and my friend...I went to St. Richard of Chichester School, round the corner. It's flats now..."

"My mum had a house - all it needed was a bit of modernising...the houses were Compulsory Purchased and my Dad got £7000. They moved...Then I started courting a girl who lived in one of the new flats - the Denton estate, built where my Dad's house used to be. It's come full circle- I live in her family flat , on the Denton estate."

"After our house was demolished and we were decanted, I fought for my mother and she was finally offered one of the last houses available nearby- and I am still there! I would never want to move - there is everything on my doorstep. I am never bored, I am out all the time!"

Memories of a lost garden and of Princess Diana.

"I feel privileged that I was brought up here, in such a diverse, amazing area. We did call it the 'Bomb debris' - but it was from the demolition of the streets. We played there and we were the first children who took part in InterAction- Ed Berman was great. I helped build the Giant Dinosaur! Later i became one of the first Play Workers..."

Young visitors.

" I want a house like this."

" My family moved from Kilburn to the Belmont estate when it was brand new. in Kilburn we lived in an over-crowded house with one outside toilet. The new flat was like paradise! My Mum is still there, and she still loves her kitchen!"

Scaffolding goes up, but the SPIRIT HOUSE is still welcoming. A visitor observed: "The gold house signifies our connection with the divine...standing on a red plinth ( which signifies the Base Chakra) which is our connection to the earth. Auspicious!"

"I am Slovac. I came to live in Camden 1994, and I loved it so much! So when I came back I wanted to live in Camden again. But when I returned I was disappointed - it had lost its unique shops, they are all the same, as in every city in the world. In Brooklyn the same has happened."

Installing Tinsel Edwards' work in SPIRIT HOUSE.

Tinsel Edwards' paintings: TO LET: Lovely Period Style New Build Property £560 per week

“Chook Farm”: memories of Inter-Action, innovative theatre and community arts organisation originally based in Malden Road. Locally its legacy includes Talacre Open Space, Kentish Town City Farm and WAC, the Weekend Art College.

"I don’t mind blocks of flats- but I don’t like estates. You get lost in them."

Gordon Cooper / all rights reserved

SPIRIT HOUSE closed on March 20th 2017. During the closing event, ambulance and police lights dramatically illuminated the memory wall.